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STEM Report

Updated: May 2

Client: Olivet Nazarene University 

Discipline: Editorial Design

Design a publication for the School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at Olivet Nazarene University that gives prospective students, alumni and donors highlights of what is happening in the school. 

Photo: Mark Ballogg

Olivet’s School of STEM is nationally recognized as a Best Christian College for STEM studies, the Walker School stands committed to sending qualified graduates into the workforce across the globe.

Established in 2015, Olivet’s Martin D. Walker School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics has grown into one the largest schools at the university and an enormous attraction for prospective students. There was a need to showcase all the wonderful things going on in one publication that could be shared with prospective students, alumni and donors. 

The challenge of this project was taking the many articles, posts, photos and stats from the past year and weaving them together in a cohesive collection that tells the unfolding story of the Walker School. 

The publication is highly type driven to allow flexibility for the variety of content that belongs inside. By sticking to a grid system, I was able to create a harmonic flow between articles, stats and quick highlights. There is also room for creative flexibility as seen in the senior project showcase. 

The color scheme and font combination played an important role in the design as well. By creating a more robust color scheme that both coordinates with and is unique from the purple and gold of the university, I gave the school an identity they can call their own. 

I used two different font families throughout the STEM Report. Proxima Nova (san serif) and Minion 3 (serif). The two families represent the commitment to faith-based education AND innovative critical thinking. 

Since this is the first publication of the STEM Report, I designed with evolution in mind. Already, the professors are requesting more content to be included for next year. Different articles will be required, some text heavy, some including charts and graphs, and some photo-driven. Despite the variety, I am confident the design will hold. 

Created with change in mind, I am confident the design of this report will successfully showcase the personality of the school of STEM moving forward. 

Photo: Mark Ballogg


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